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Explore the Benefits of Nanobubble Hydrotherapy

Our portable nanobubble hydrotherapy device is a revolutionary system that saturates your bathwater with billions of tiny air bubbles, high levels of dissolved oxygen, anions, and consistent heat to collectively combine and form an additive-free bathing experience that improves skin and relaxes the body.

While beneficial to any bather, the properties of nanobubble bathing can have a dramatic impact on the quality of life for those who struggle with skin disease management.



Irritation Relief

Bacteria Removal / Odor Reduction


Skin Hydration


Toxin Removal

Improved Skin

Metabolism and Healing

What is Nanobubble Hydrotherapy?

The nanobubble system saturates your bathwater with billions of tiny air bubbles, turning your bathwater milky white. 


Frequent bathing in Micro/Nano Bubbles will help deep clean skin pores to leave skin feeling smooth and soft. Micro / Nano Bubbles are tiny bubbles, a size of 0.2 microns, 250 times smaller than skin pores (30-50 microns). Micro Bubbles will dive deep to remove toxins, dust, and other impurities.

Nanobubble Hydrotherapy Demonstration

Nanobuble Hydrotherapy pore cleaning diagram by The White Water Co

Natural Deep

Pore Cleansing

Typical skin pores range from the size of 30 to 50 Microns. Nanobubbles are 0.20 allowing them to enter the skin pores, remove impurities, and carry oxygen to needed areas.

Healing Benefits of Oxygen

By crushing nanobubbles, billions of dissolved oxygen particles and over a million anions per cc into bath water, we are able to relieve irritation and hydrate your skin with oxygen. By utilizing this process, oxygen can clean and heal many dry or irritated skin symptoms.

Nanobuble Hydrotherapy device by The White Water Co

"When Heather and Paul contacted us to tell us about nanotechnology and the way they were implementing it just said it has to be magic!!! Now that we have the technology has given us a better quality of life.... thank you white water co."

"White Water Co. is all about customer service. They want their customers to be successful with the use of the nanobubbler. They know their product inside and out.I haven't had a problem they couldn't solve immediately. This is a first class company."

"My beautiful granddaughter has Harlequin ICHTHEOSIS and this portable NANOBUBBLER has changed her life for the good,shedding the excess skin making her skin baby soft and helps to ease the itching. Thank you Whitewater."

Nanobuble Hydrotherapy by The White Water Co

Total Relaxation With Anions

Anions, or negative ions, are commonly found near waterfalls. Water increases speed as it falls, anions are created when the water crashes into rocks at the bottom of the waterfall. This effect is replicated when Micro / Nanobubbles burst on the surface of the water and generate anions. Anions have been shown to help relax the body, provide a feeling of well-being, and promote deeper sleep.

Water Heating Benefits of Nanobubbles

Traditional large bubbles rise and burst. The nature of Micro / Nanobubbles allows them to stay in the water and contact other bubbles. This constant friction generates heat which increases the temperature of the bathwater. Clients have noted that with Micro / Nanobubbles they do not need an inline heating system nor do they need to add hot water to the tub while bathing.

Nanobuble Hydrotherapy device by The White Water Co
Water Heating
Side View Portable Nanobubble Hydrotherapy
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Nanobubbles Can Be Beneficial For A Variety Of Conditions

By combining the benefits of Hydrotherapy with the exceptional cleansing, sterilizing, hydration properties of Nanobubbles and increased levels of dissolved oxygen, non-invasive NanO2 has been found to be beneficial for a wide range of conditions.

Are You Ready For The Nanobubble Experience?

If you're ready to take the next step in discovering the true power of Nanobubbles, please use the form below to request a free price quote for our Portable Nanobubble Hydrotherapy Device.

Request a Free Price Quote
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*Price varies depending on warranty, shipping, personal or commercial use.

Thank you for submitting! A representative will contact you soon.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. *FDA does not regulate atmospheric oxygen in bath water.

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